psy·chot·ic leop·ard sīˈkädik/ˈlepərd/ noun · anything that is funky, interesting, beautiful, niche, useful, and grabs one's attention

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News — Healing

The Evolution of a Gym Rat:  Instagram Envy, and How I Made Fitness A Top Priority

Posted by Lisa Johnson on

The Evolution of a Gym Rat:  Instagram Envy, and How I Made Fitness A Top Priority

  Under the guise of business, I began dipping into the waters of Instagram for the past year, and observed that anyone with posts related to exercise, workouts or hard bodies, seems to get LOADS of likes.  Why do people pay so much attention to everyone else’s progress?  Is it really motivating to see how far others have succeeded? In elementary school, I was a gymnast. My best friend used to tease me because I wore sweatpants to school four days a week, and owned one pair of patchwork dungarees with a parrot on back pocket (boy, do I wish...

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What Gets Us Through: Trauma and the Importance of Physical Strength in Healing

Posted by Lisa Johnson on

What Gets Us Through:  Trauma and the Importance of Physical Strength in Healing

After nearly eighteen years of a fairly stable relationship, I learned that my husband had begun an affair with a girl thirty years his junior.  Stunning for anyone, yes, but more so was that my partner, whose judgment I had always respected, confessed that he and the girl had actually never met.  Several sites linking her to German porn made no difference; he was convinced she was his soulmate and promised to marry her within two weeks of their email correspondence.   A few months into the rocky navigation of all attempts to save a doomed marriage, my son's best friend shot himself in the head...

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Animal Totem: The Leopard as Symbol of a Power, Strength, Healing, Hope and Confidence during my Divorce

Posted by Lisa Johnson on

Animal Totem: The Leopard as Symbol of a Power, Strength, Healing, Hope and Confidence during my Divorce

When my son came up with the name "Psychotic Leopard" for this site, I felt in my gut that it was perfect - slightly shocking, unusual, and bizarre, exactly like the kind of stuff I am attracted to buy, wear, and sell. Shortly thereafter, my very good friend, Monica, sent me a link to "Spirit Animal Totems and Their Messages" website, which she occasionally refers to when she sees or dreams of an unusual animal or one which appears out of its normal setting.  I decided to check what it said for "leopard" and found it could not be fitting to my life...

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